
10-Minute Session | 1 Retouched Image | $99

Step 1

Fill out the form below to be notified when the next mini-session date is available.

Step 2

At least two weeks before the mini-sesison date, you'll receive an email with a scheduling link to secure your time slot, as well as the studio location.

Step 3

Show up to the studio at your shoot time, take some awesome headshots, pick your favorite, and then you're done. Easy peasy!

Mini-Session Notification Signup

What are headshot mini-sessions?

Headshot mini-sessions are $99, 10-minute sessions shot in a studio. Your shooting session is immediately followed by a review session to pick your favorite image to be retouched.

What do you get?

You get 10 minutes of one-on-one shooting with me, followed by an image review session to select your favorite image. Within one week of your mini-session, you'll receive that favorite image retouched and in high resolution.

Who are they for?

They're for anyone! However, they're ideal for people that may be strapped for funds, like recent college grads or people who have been unemployed for a while and are looking for a way to spruce up their online presence.


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